Update: November 2023

Each year, the UKEOF holds a conference for the environmental observation community. Previously we have addressed how to adapt environmental monitoring to meet evidence needs (2020) and the use of environmental monitoring for natural capital reporting (2022). For our fourth conference we will be turning our attention to the role of Artificial intelligence (AI) technology in environmental observations. The event will be held online in March 2024.

You can read more about the 2024 UKEOF conference here. To receive announcements about the conference, why not sign up to the UKEOF mailing list?

At its recent meeting in October, the Data Advisory Group (DAG) worked on the agenda. It was agreed that themes will include how AI can help us collect, quality control and report on environmental observations, how it can influence the role of digital twins, and ethics, bias and limitations that might be associated with this fast-moving technology.

We were very sorry to learn that our DAG co-chair, Sophia Ratcliffe, has stepped down. We would like to thank Sophia for all her work on the DAG over the years, particularly for spearheading the work on re-developing our observations catalogue, and we wish her the very best for the future.

We are now looking for a new co-chair to join Richard Ostler (Rothamsted). If you are interested don’t be shy! Also, if you would like to join or find out more about the UKEOF Data Advisory Group, please get in touch at office@ukeof.org.uk.