3rd UKEOF conference | 15 March 2023 | Online

Conference 2023 graphic


Title: Integrating environmental observations to meet evidence needs
When: 15 March 2023, 09:30 - 15:00

Where: Online
Registration fee: FREE


The conference aimed to bring together representatives from environmental policy and management sectors with evidence gathering communities drawn from government agencies, academia and NGOs, and featured a range of exemplar projects and speakers drawn from around the UK.

Conference goals:

  • To share knowledge on the latest approaches to integrating multiple types, and sources, of data in order to address pressing environmental questions
  • To also consider the untapped potential in this field, as well as the limitations and challenges to be overcome

The final programme is now available to download [PDF].


Videos of the conference talks are available on the UKCEH YouTube channel. Use the following links to access them.

Morning session



Afternoon session

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